The community rooms in The Pod are open!
Thanks to the the strong support from both our generous funders and from South Alive volunteers, and the hard work of McCulloch Architects, Archer's Construction and all the subcontractors, your new community rooms are finally open and ready to use! We are finishing off the finer details including landscaping the area around the Pod to create a pathway from Ness Street, so we will officially open and celebrate these rooms next month - we'll let you know the date soon!
The rooms are amazing - if you haven't had a chance to pop down and take a look around, please do. The two rooms are light and bright, and can be opened up to make one large multi-purpose room suitable for many different functions. The rooms may be booked by anyone in the community, and we have reduced rates for non-profit or community groups.
We already have a lot of groups and organisations booked in, but if you need a venue for a meeting, a workshop, training or social gathering - these rooms are perfect. If you have been wanting to start a group to learn a new skill, or to meet new people we'd love to welcome you. Rates start from $12.50 for non-profit groups and $25 for commercial groups. Contact Cress in the office on 032186882 or for more information!
