Neighbours Aotearoa Month – March is Neighbours Aotearoa Month and the theme this year is ‘Let’s Share’. We love the sense of neighbourliness here in South Invercargill and we wanted to get in on the fun, so here is what we are sharing over the month of March…

Annual South Alive Survey results
Over October and November last year we received more than 200 responses to our South Alive survey and the results were pretty impressive and insightful! We were blown away with the level of pride everyone felt in South Invercargill and it is so great to see this pride increase over the years.

We also got some great ideas for how we can continue to make South Invercargill a great place to live and work. If you didn’t fill out the survey but still have some ideas you want to share, send us an email or pop into the Pod as we always want to hear from you.
‘Poipoia Te Kākano Kia Puawai – Nurture The Seed, And It Will Blossom’
Since starting this role here at South Alive I have felt so much growth and connectivity and it just feels like I’ve been part of this big, wonderful whā nau, forever. I have done so much networking and relationship building with people not only in the Youth Sector but also the people involved with South Alive and our community.
I have begun a few initiatives which have been about connecting the Rangatahi (youth) and their wh ā nau (family) to their community, such as:
Facilitating events with performances – We just held the Picnic at the Pod Event, which was a huge success. We had local musicians showcase the talent within our city, families picnicking and a range of support services providing information on what they have to offer for our young people. I invited whanau along to this one, so that everyone could get to know me – our space – feel supported while they connected, and nothing beats a family day out! BDL Productions helped with the sound for the day, our wonderful volunteers and a group of young people cooked a BBQ, and we also had the lovely Community Patrol team onboard. So a big thank you to all involved!

I am organising a similar event again for Youth Week (15th-21st May) but this will be led by our young people. So, the performances will be by younger people we are looking for ideas from rangatahi themselves of what they would like to see available on that day.
Satellite Services – This is all about bringing the local services within our city, with their information on what they provide, into our space. This helps eliminate the barriers of transport for the young people in our area, making it way more accessible to reach these services. These will be intertwined into the events and held individually, as ‘Satellite’ days.
Hosting Podcasting groups – I have three groups coming into our space here at South Alive, to start Podcasting adventures. Each group will look different but all three will hold the same Kaupapa (principle, project, plan) and that is of learning new skills and allowing their voices/opinions to be heard. This will be a unique way for rangatahi to learn about technology and the internet and allow space for engagement with peers and confidence within themselves.
I have only just scratched the surface of the ideas, goals and visions I want to bring forward in this role! So, watch this space.
Ngā manaakitanga (best wishes), Stacey
It’s always great to remember that our purpose at the Pantry is to ‘Nourish the spirit of generosity and wellbeing in the Community.’
We are here from 8:30am-5pm weekdays and 10am-3pm on a Saturday.
We are so excited to welcome our new cook to The Pantry community. She has been baking up a storm and producing fresh daily some heavenly loaded scones, assorted club sandwiches and has brought back the extra-long cheese roll! So come on down and have a bite to eat and you might be quite surprised how much it can help to come and hang out with us for a while with a cup of tea or a barista made coffee and to have a friendly chat.
We, and South Alive, also have various groups that meet at The Pod or The Pantry that we can connect you with. We have the mobility scooter group join us on Monday’s and South Alive look forward to having the Friendship group on a Tuesday through at The Pod – they are always looking for new recruits!
We hosted our final village market for the Summer season on Saturday the 18th of March and we would like to say a huge thank you to all the stallholders who supported us and to all the community who attended. We will return to village markets in November.
See you down at The Pantry soon
White Fly – to eliminate white fly from the glasshouse – sow or plant parsley around the inside wall.
Pantyhose are very useful for storing onions and garlic in and also for storing bulbs and make great ties for plants, trees and shrubs etc.
All Purpose Cleaner
1/2 cup of vinegar and/or tbsp baking soda
1 litre warm water
Use on floor and walls
Rinse lightly with damp cloth or mop if using baking soda
Come along to Panton Street Reserve / Playground on Thursday 13 April 2023 from 6.30pm – 7.30pm and meet the South Alive Volunteers that have created and maintained the orchard in your neighborhood for you, the community, to forage from.
This is also a great opportunity to learn about how you can sign up as a volunteer with South Alive and help out on working bees, no experience required, learn as you go.
You’re welcome to become a South Alive volunteer, see Jess onsite or complete the online form here.