It's official - our volunteers are awesome!
Just in case you missed it, our volunteers were celebrated at the recent National Trustpower Community Awards, and took out the National Runner-up Award for 2017. This is a fantastic achievement, and we're extremely thankful that the selfless work of our volunteers was recognised at this level. Our Chair and Deputy Chair represented South Alive at the awards ceremony and were supported by ICC Deputy Mayor Rebecca Amundsen and Southland District Mayor Gary Tong.

Left - Right: Vince Hawksworth (CEO, Trustpower), Rebecca Amundsen (ICC Deputy Mayor), Paul Ridley-Smith (Chairman, Trustpower Board of Directors), Margaret Cook (Deputy Chair, South Alive), Hon. Peeni Henare (Minister for Community & Volunteer Sector), Robyn Hickman (Chair, South Alive), Gary Tong (Southland District Mayor).
The annual South Alive Quiz Night is back on 14 June, supported by WasteNet! Don't miss this fun community event, held at 7pm at the Newfield Tavern. Entry fee is $20 for teams of four, and there will also be some fantastic raffles on the night. Don't miss it!
A fantastic new exhibition opens on Monday May 14th in the South Alive Community Artspace Gallery. Come down and see Nepia Simeon's Awesome wood art and design. Open until May 27th.
Come down to the South Alive Community Park on May 12th at 4pm and listen to Hannah and Liam 'the no-waste nomads' talk about living a zero-waste lifestyle. Pick up some tips for how to reduce waste in your daily routine. This is a free event supported by WasteNet.
The next crop swap happens Saturday May 12th from 10am - 11am at The Pod. Bring along any excess produce, seeds or home-baking and swap them for something you don't have!
A free hands-on workshop with the Rubbish Trip about how to make easy snacks, treats and pantry staples from unpackaged ingredients. Sunday May 13th from 4pm - 6pm at The Pantry, corner of Grace and Ness Streets, South Invercargill.
Like to hand sew or embroider? Come along to a new social group which has formed and runs fortnightly on Tuesdays from 10am - noon in The Pod. All are welcome!